Your hands are too small

A nineteenth century picture of Paul of Tarsus

Image via Wikipedia

We are told throughout Scripture, that if we need something or need something done to ask God for help. He does not care how big or small the issue is. David said to God “Do not keep silent, O God of my praise” (PS110). If King David, someone who close to the Father would speak to God as if he were speaking to a personal friend, then we who have a relationship with God personally as our Faith indicates, should follow suit.
If the Apostle Paul’s words to the Galatians “We live by faith in the Son of God, who loves and died for us” apply to all Gentiles then why not put that same faith to work in our prayers. We say that God can make anything possible, but so often we do not act as if we truly believe that. We see so many great men and women fall victim of self-made depressions. All because they spend so much time worrying about things that “they” are too small to handle. However, as I write this now, I am certain that the God above is BIG enough to handle all of their issues. Just as well as he can handle yours and mine. Don’t let the co-worker next to you who doesn’t have any faith in anything other than himself hinder you. To paraphrase Romans 12: Don’t be brainwashed by the world, let God transform your mind. In doing that, and fully surrendering, you give him the problems and remove a world of hurt from your heart at the same time. Trust me, what he can do with your issues is far beyond the power of the hands you hold them in.

“God is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask or even dream of. Infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes(Ephesians 3)”

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