Posts Tagged ‘Sundays’

Bonsai “Faith”

A Eurya (Eurya emarginata) bonsai on display a...

Image via Wikipedia

Completing our two-part message about typical “faiths“.

Most of us know what Bonsai Trees are. They are tiny little trees. They really are miraculous displays of how small nature can be, when it is contained. Contained, is the best word possible being that the reason Bonsai Trees grow as small as they do, is because they are originally grown in containers. That big tree in your yard, or neighborhood could have easily been a Bonsai Tree if it was grown in a small container.

Our first part of this message was about exercising only when at church. Your church is not a gym. And likewise the “church” is not a container, it is a body. A body that you are a part of, if you are a real Christian. A real disciple of Christ. Your spiritual growth is not meant to be “contained” in a building every week. It is meant to flourish. So ask yourself the following questions:

1- Do you only read the Bible on Sundays or when at church activities?

2- Do you only talk about God when at church or with church friends?

3- Do you practice your faith in your home life with your loved ones?

4- Do you pray on your own? Or with your family members?


If you answered no to those, then you are not on your way to being a California Redwood. You, my friend, are a Bonsai and unless you do what it takes to change those “no’s” into “yes'” you will always be a Bonsai.

